Hard drive size relates to the recording duration so choose the biggest for the longest recording time, even so, it is possible to guarantee 30 days recording with just 250GB for a 4 Channel DVR. The following setting must be used together with a suitable DVR:
674/250GB As An Example.
Menu > Quickstart > Record Config Setup
Channel = All
Image Size = CIF
Quality = Normal
IPS = 12.5 (Total)
The above setting will allow 30 Days recording because:
1) Quality of the images are reduced to normal.
2) Images per second (IPS) per camera is reduced to 3IPS. If there are 3 Images recorded every
second, then it means there are gaps. The default is usually 25IPS per camera (Real Time Recording).
If motion triggered recording is activated and the activity is 50% i.e. , recording half the time then 250GB will provide 2 months duration for 4 cameras.
The chart below shows 500GB is required for 4 Cameras at normal quality for 30 Days,
1TB for 8 Cameras and 2TB for 16 Cameras.